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The Chinsillies (Open Species)


  • Genitalia talk

About The Chinsillies

Male Chinsilly guide
Non-Binary/Intersex Chinsilly guide
Female Chinsilly guide


Hey you, yes you! You like rodents, especially chinchillas? You like clowns?? Gore??? Well, I have the perfect species for you! Say hello to



I, Nestyguts, am the sole creator of the Chinsillies. They are an open species: anyone can create their own, as long as they respect the following guide, and that credits are given to me for the species. In terms of copyrights, Chinsillies can be for-profit under a few conditions: you can commission an artist to draw your Chinsilly OC and sell art with your Chinsilly OC. All I am asking in return is to link back to this page and credit me properly. Thank you!


To fill his circus, Gutsy, the Guts Demon in the Gorny universe, has created an original species resembling himself: circus-themed chinchillas with colorful organs and signature stars.


Chinsillies are rodents from the chinchillidae family, specifically chinchilla-based creatures with a clown nose, markings, and exposed intestines. Chinsillies are all either feral or anthropomorphic. All their pupils are star-shaped.


Chinsillies are quite frightful and have multiple defense mechanisms: they spray urine or other fluids in their enemies eyes, or become as shiny as a star to blind their opponents and take that opportunity to escape. Chinsillies prefer to avoid conflict. This is also where their exposed guts come in use, as they're not here just for show. They can mimic the patterns and movements of snakes and other crawling predators, which scare rivals. Their guts are protected themselves by a thin yet solid transparent membrane.


Chinsillies are very good at maintaining themselves. Just like traditional chinchillas, Chinsillies bathe in specialized dust to keep their coat clean. However, this is very itchy for the exposed organs. So, Chinsillies have developed their brand of dust mixed with special glitter to bathe in without irritating their organs. They hate water and should, in no circumstances, be in contact with it, except for drinking, or they are at high risk of hypothermia.

🐭 DIET 🤡

Chinsillies feast on a wide range of foods selectively. They are predators rather than prey, but hide it. Their favorite food usually involves anything sugary but should not be given too much of it, or else they become aggressive and crave more. It is also just not healthy for them overall. Their digestive tract remains quite fragile but is a little bit stronger than that of normal chinchillas. They can use their guts as 《tentacles》 to catch prey.


Chinsillies, for most of them, are quite horny little fellas and do not really care about their partner's gender. Theyre, for a vast majority of them, pansexual or omnisexual. Females go into heat twice a month, typically 3 to 4 days. The gestation period lasts 4 to 6 months, and each pregnancy can produce 1 to 4 babies. When the babies are born, their eyes are already opened and they can walk within the first hour of their lives. Chinsillies are rather good parents and care for their babies until theyre independent enough to survive on their own, or they stick together until the parents die of old age. Even though Chinsillies mainly reproduce amongst themselves, there can be hybrids! Although, it can be quite risky if the one bearing the baby(ies) is a Chinsilly. If not, it still remains dangerous for the baby has less chances of survival than a 100% Chinsilly.

Fun facts: male Chinsillies testicles are called 《Teskittles》, a female cumming is called a 《Squirtter》.


Males Chinsillies have 1 horn, females have 2, and non-binary/intersex Chinsillies either have none or more than 2. Female Chinsillies are generally larger, taller, and heavier than males. Non-binary and intersex Chinsillies are in between.


Most Chinsillies know the human language, but squeaking and honking are also a big part of their communication process. For instance, honking is used a lot during the mating seasons. The best honker gets all the bitches.


Most Chinsillies live in Chinchilland, an amusement park and circus created by Gutsy, although some are also living out of it. Chinsillies rarely live on their own and prefer remaining in small groups as they are community-based animals. You will likely find them in colder than warmer environments, for the density of their fur keeps them warm enough already.


Chinsillies vary a lot in sizes, they can go from normal-chinchilla sized to human-sized. In that case, they usually do not exceed: 170cm (5’6) for females, 160 (5’3) for non-binary/intersex individuals, and 150cm (5’) for males. Those references mostly apply to the individuals with humanoid-like proportions.


Due to their coat being the warmest and softest of all the animal kingdoms, Chinsillies are not too fond of wearing clothes as they do not see the use for them and because they can rapidly overheat, especially in summer. But some do anyway to feel a bit more special. They love accessories tho.

Anything else regarding the design and other specificities is very flexible and free of interpretation, feel free to be creative and have fun with the process!! If you make a Chinsilly OC, please link them to me, I’d love to see what you guys do with them!